March 10, 2013

Good Reads

A few words that, coupled with the power of the Holy Spirit, really spoke to me this week:

The Problem with Being Supermom and How to Fix It by Kat at Inspired to Action

Don't Waste This Hour by Ashley Haupt at Little Pieces of Ordinary

More Grace: On not being mean, hateful, and horrible by Jen Hatmaker

Loving Difficult People by Beth Moore

My Takeaways:
  • Priorities are meaningless unless/until aligned with actions.
  • We must make the most of every moment, because life is so brief.  John Piper's Don't Waste Your Life has been added to my "to read" list.
  • As Christians, how are we distinguishable from the world? We should be set apart, but too often, we blend in a little too closely. We must examine our habits and have courage to change when necessary.
  • It's increasingly easy to adopt the cynical, grace-less attitude of this world, but we must strive to show more grace, only available through our supply from the grace-giver Himself.
  • If we only love those who love us in return and are easy to love, are we really showing love at all?  We must be so in tune with God that we're able to give love freely and truly expecting nothing in return, dependent only upon His approval and love to fill our tanks.